1. Frank Marion Kemp, (1866-1938); Abraham Jackson Kemp, (1867-1937); and George Pendelton Kemp, (1864-1933).

2. Mida Kemp married Lee Barnes, nephew of Al G. Barnes of circus fame. She died in 1924. Lida Kemp's real name was Elida. She married A H. Brown and today is quietly retired in Sierra Madras, California.

3. One was Martin Feeney who joined the Kemps when their show was in his home town of Providence, Rhode Island. The other was the elder John Ferguson, who joined the show in Pittsburgh, wintered with Mr. Kemp in La Mar, Missouri, and later moved to a Gridley farm which became his home. G. P. Kemp lived in Gridley before he moved to El Paso.

4. Norris Kemp and William E. Coe provided most of the material used in this chapter. There is little about the Kemps in the El Paso Journal files. Both died as this book was being prepared; Coe early in 1954.

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