here he married for his second wife, the widow of Uncle John Van Scyoc, and thus became the step-father of Anderson Van Scyoc, and of Mrs. A. E. Sparks. Mr. Pearson died some years ago at Kappa, where he had long resided. His children are Wilson, Seth, and George Pearson and Mrs. Joseph Starkey.

The Hibbs brothers came from Ohio in 1835, and all settled very near where Kappa now is. John built a house in 1835 on the Hibbs farm, now owned by C. Jones. David built a house in 1836 on what is now the Erskine farm, and William built a house in 1837, almost within the present combines of Kappa. The houses were all of logs and have long since gone to decay. David Hibbs now lives at El Paso, and his daughter, Mrs. Jonathan Glimpse lives at Kappa.

Frederick Amrine, father of Dexter Amrine, came with his family from Virginia in 1835. He purchased what is now the Hart farm, paying therefor $1.25 an acre, but before finishing the payments, or in 1837, he sold out to Allen Hart. In moving to this country from Virginia, Mr. Amrine built himself a flat boat, on which he placed his team, all his goods and his family. He slowly floated down the Ohio till he reached a point in Indiana, the name of which is now forgotten, where he hitched up his team and drove to Bloomington Grove and from there to the land above mentioned. He and some of his family have ever since resided here. The old gentleman died in 1850, while on the overland journey to California, and was buried 113 miles this side of Salt Lake City. His son, Dexter, now resides at Kappa.

John Van Scyoc, father of Anderson Van Seyoc and Mrs. A. E. Sparks, came from Virginia to Indiana in 1835 and to this place in 1838.

James Bigger, father of P. H. Bigger, came here in 1836 from Indiana, and settled on what is now the Jack Bodger farm. Deer were then very plentiful and were often seen in large droves. P. H. Bigger was born in 1824, and since 1836, has lived near Kappa, excepting a few years spent in Kansas. Mr. Bigger is now a wealthy stock raiser and a pleasant and social gentleman. His father, James Bigger, served as Captain during the War of 1812.


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