preach the "old, old story -- old, but forever new." Rev. Nimord Gregg is said to have been the first minister who preached in Kappa.

Dunn, a Congregational clergyman preached at about the same time. Both gentlemen used to occupy the depot building. In the Spring of 1855 Rev. Gregg organized a Methodist Episcopal society which was the first religious organization in Kappa. The class consisted of James, father of Wm. North, Wm. North and wife, George Cox and wife, Samuel Grant and wife, Mrs. Nancy Potter, Mrs. Margaret Pearson, Mrs. Betsey Horn. In the fall of 1855 the Baptists organized a church with Elder Dennison, as pastor, but they soon afterwards moved to El Paso.

In the fall of 1856 or 1857 Rev. J. H. Frost organized a new school Presbyterian Church at Kappa. Dr. Frost and wife afterwards went to India as missionaries and after spending some years there, returned to the U. S. In 1859 brick was burned to build a church. Subscriptions were taken but from various causes the whole enterprise fell through.

In 1858 a Society of the German Lutheran Church was organized with Rev. Hoff as Pastor. In 1860 the Society moved to El Paso. The four societies all worshipped in the old school house already mentioned. In 1872 Rev. Wm. Shuler organized a church of the Evangelical Association. This society and the Methodist Society assisted by a generous community, built the M. E. Church in 1874. This church is a neat frame building with bell and steeple and cost two thousand and four hundred dollars.

Kappa is a Temperance Town, there being no saloons or any liquor for sale within its borders. But it has not always been so (more the pity) yet temperance people and temperance workers have lived here.

On May 24, 1856 a Washingtonian Society was organized with H. D. Cook president and Wm. North, secretary. Rev. J. H. Frost delivered the first lecture on Temperance to the Society and citizens on June 28, 1865. At the end of the year, the report was 84 who had signed the Pledge. Three were expelled, ten have removed, leaving seventy-one on the rolls. On April 2, 1862 a good Templers


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