In 1882 the city of El Paso put in a waterworks plant and several blocks of mains at a cost of about $5000. A wooden tank, a large windmill and an inexhaustible supply of water were the chief features of the system. Later, windpower was replaced by a steam pump and in 1894 a contract was made for a steel tower with tank, with a capacity of 125,000 gallons. This was to cost $3400. At the same time $3000 was expended on the extension of mains until now we have over forty blocks of mains and the revenue to the city derived from water rents amounts close to $1000 per annum. This revenue, however, is incomparable with the benefits derived from the fire protection the system affords the business and residence districts. No waterworks is complete without an accompanying
Fire and Hose Company,
And El Paso has as good a volunteer organization as ever mans nozzles and braves the destructive element. We have experienced more than our share of big fires and the laddies have done good service in all of them, as well as in the lesser casualties. At present C. A. Drury is chief and Will Seidel secretary and the company numbers about thirty men. A large chemical engine is used in connection with the waterworks system. The fire company give entertainments each year and have at present quite a fund on hand which will be applied to assist any of their number, should they be so unfortunate as to receive injury during service.
El Paso District Agricultural Board.
The El Paso Fair is one of the important organizations connected with the city's interests and their annual meetings in September are events of considerable importance to the whole county and surrounding country. In 1879 the Woodford county Grange held a small but
(Continued on page 74.)
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