(Continued from page 66.)
S. T. Rogers corps W. R. C. No. 264 was organized November, 1894, and was chartered Jan. 26, 1895. Mrs. Jennie Worthington was chosen first president and Mrs. Minnie Schofield, secretary. These officers. have just been reelected for the ensuing year.
Silver Leaf Court of Honor No. 33 was granted a charter Nov. 26, 1895, and starts out with a large membership. The insurance feature is one of its greatest benefits. M. T. Hyer is Worthy Chancellor and J. T. Kearney, recorder.
El Paso Camp 168 Modern Woodmen of America was instituted Feb. 20, 1886, with eleven charter members. W. R. Shinn, M. D., was first venerable council and F. L. Kyser, clerk. The insurance feature of the order has made it very popular and at present they have a membership of eighty-two, thirty-four having transferred, died, and dropped out. The deaths occurring in their ranks since organization are: Will Jones, A. D. Williamson, Louis Kurtz and James Cannon. The present officers are: R. E. Gordon, M. D., Venerable Council and E. R. Somers, clerk.
Palmetto Lodge No. 21 Royal Neighbors of America, an auxiliary of the M. W. A. was organized in this city Nov. 13, 1895, and the first officers were installed Dec. 6, and the order starts out with a good membership. Mrs. Ed Abrams is Oracle; Mrs. F. L. Newton, recorder. An insurance and a sick benefit are a part of the good things connected with the organization and wives, sisters and daughters of Woodmen may become members.
A branch of the Home Forum was organized in this city last August with fourteen charter members and is becoming very popular. The present officers are: E. R. Somers,
(Continued on page 70.)
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