GERMAN EVANGELICAL--The year 1864 was one of church building in El Paso. Four houses of worship were under construction at one time. One of these was the German Evangelical and the pastor in charge was Rev. Shoemaker. Young John Mohr, as he was known, had the contract and about the time the frame was up, Mohr was drafted and another contractor had to be hunted up before the work could go on. Prior to the building of the house Rev. Hoffman had been in charge and meetings had been held in various private residences in the old Mohr settlement northwest of here. These services were possibly among the first church services held in this community and date back nearly fifty years. When the church was built Philip Blumenshine, Wm. Bowman and John Mohr were trustees. The lot on which it stands was donated by Mr. Geo. Gibson and the church purchased the lot next to that for $100. About 1877 the church purchased the parsonage property two blocks from their house of worship, which they still own. Among the ministers who followed Mr. Shoemaker are Revs. Peter Himmul, Heilman, Keller, Keichly, Young, Burkhardt, Frey, G. Eichenlaub. The latter served the church in '83, '84 and '85 and after being in other charges several years, came back in '94. Since leaving here he has passed to his final reward. Of late years those who have ministered to the congregation are Revs. C. Fehr, M. M. Schuster, J. B. Elfrink, J. Haller, A. Woehr. The present pastor in charge is J. Marth, a young minister, who has been here about a year. He also has charge of Walnut Grove mission, southwest of this city.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH--The first clerical act performed by an Episcopal clergy in El Paso was the baptizing of the little babe of Mr. Hazlett and wife. This was performed by Rev. Samuel Chase, D. D., and was in 1860. He was going through El Paso and was waiting for a train. In August, '61, Rev. Mr. Lobaugh, was in El Paso and held services and baptized the child of W. M. Jenkins. July, 1865, Rev. Chamberlayn, who was returning from the war, remained over Sabbath and by request held services in the

(Continued on page 58.)


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